sp412_01.mpg (4,773KB)
Kyle: You know, I heard our fourth-grade teacher is some new lady from Denver. (俺らの担任はデンバーから来た女らしいぞ)
Stan: Denver? (デンバー?)
Cartman: U-hoh, dude, we could walk all over her. (奴隷にできるかもな)
Kyle: He's right. We have to take a hard stance right now and establish that we're the dominant ones in this relationship! (ああ、強い態度で出て俺たちが上だってことを示さないと)
Stan: Alright. Hey, listen up everybody! We need to stand up to this new teacher and insert ourselves! Let's all do something radical! (よしみんな、その女をひどい目に合わせてやろう。何か思い切ったことでな)
Clyde: Like what? (たとえば?)
Stan: Like... ah, how about right at 8:35 we all jump up on our desks and pull down our pants and shout, "KISS MY ASS!!!" all together! (うーん・・・、そうだ、8時35分ちょうどにみんなで机の上に立つ。そしてパンツを脱いで「KISS MY ASS!!」と叫ぶ)
The Kids: YEAH!!! (よし!)
Cartman: Why, that's PERfect! (最高だな)
Butters: Well, buh wuh when we pull our pants down, should we stand frontways or back? I mean, do we show 'er our... behinds, or-ar our w-wieners? (パンツを脱いでどっちを見せるの?つまり後ろか前か・・・)
Stan: ...I think showing her our asses should be quite sufficient, Butters. (後ろで十分だと思うぞ)
Butters: Uh-uh, maybe we could stand like this, with our wieners pokin' through the back of our legs, you know, and give 'er a nice fruit bowl. (こうやって後ろといっしょに前を見せればフルーツの盛り合わせをプレゼントできる)
Kyle: ...Yeah. Or we could just show our asses. (まあそうだな・・・、でもケツだけでいい)
Stan: Okay, so it's decided. When the clock hits 8:35 we all stand up on our desks, pull down our pants and yell, "KISS MY ASS!!!" (よし決まりだ、8時35分になったらみんなで机の上に乗ってパンツをおろして「KISS MY ASS」と叫ぶ)
Kyle: Together we are strong! (力を合わせれば俺たちは何でもできる!)
The Kids: YEAH!!! (そうだ!)